Artistes molt reconeguts ‘visiten’ la vila de Ripoll (Girona), a benefici de be artsy, en un exposició. També online

Artistes molt reconeguts ‘visiten’ la vila de Ripoll (Girona), a benefici de be artsy, en un exposició. També online

Una exposició d’art a Ripoll – també es pot fer la tramitació d’una adquisició online, i enviament per UPS) – dóna suport als projectes de be artsy. Algunes dels lectors d’aquest article ja coneixeu l’entitat. Veieu al final de l’article: dades bàsiques de l’exposició. Un cop acabada l’exposició, es podran adquirir online amb enviament segur […]

Collaboration Makes a Difference: MacEwan University

Collaboration Makes a Difference: MacEwan University

The experience related to the collaborative workshops developed with MacEwan University in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, has been rewarding for each of us. Through the Riipen platform, we unite around our academic and practical interests in defending the rights of children and women in Nepal. Nursing students from the Community Mental Health: High Priority Population class […]

Meet Manisha

Meet Manisha

Manisha Kumari Nath is from Kuntibandali, a small town in the Achham region of western Nepal. She lives with her father, mother and two little sisters in the house. As like most rural areas of Nepal, her family is very humble, her mother sells vegetables and thus can pay for the education of her daughters. […]

Project 2020: promoting local leadership, facing the changes

Project 2020: promoting local leadership, facing the changes

The Rato Baltin Project is on site since the beginning of 2017, working to eradicate the Nepalese cultural practice establishing that during the menstruation, girls and women are considered impure, and are deprived of their basic needs. This practice is penalized since 2018, but they will never denounce, because that would be denouncing their mother, their father, their mother-in-law… […]

We must be many more Teamers!

We must be many more Teamers!

We have sent the proceedings from the Teaming Group, where the people that help us contribute with €1 per month to the Rato Baltin Project of be artsy. With this contributions, we add resources to the project and help it grow and consolidate. Rohini Bhandary and Hiukala Chalaune, our trainers from Turmakhand and Mangalsen, have […]