Travel log – #RatoBaltin at the Chilkhaya school

Travel log – #RatoBaltin at the Chilkhaya school

20-7-17 During the 10 days we have been in Chilkhaya, what has surprised us most is the number of students attending the secondary school  (from class 6 to 10). We attended classes with 70 students, “luckily” missing 70 or 80 more. That is, the list of students for these classes was up to 140, 150. […]

Malnourishment in West Nepal

Malnourishment in West Nepal

One significant problem that we have seen in our travels throughout West Nepal is the extent of childhood malnourishment. Sometimes this can be associated with very young mothers with little nutritional information support, but in other cases cannot. Though there are some nutritional programs that run throughout West Nepal, it can be difficult for mothers […]

Travel Log – Chilkhaya

Travel Log – Chilkhaya

10-6-17.  Moving 4 personal rucksacks, 2 suitcases full of materials, 1 bag of cameras and 23 metallic buckets from one village to another in these remote areas can be really complicated! From Rachuli to Cnilkhaya, according to Googlemaps, there are just 9 km. and a slope of 400 m. First we had to get somebody […]

Life experience

Life experience

Writing and Photos © por Alba Parrado Puente, Spanish Nurse and Midwife, Volunteer of be artsy in Achcham. From one of the most chaotic Indian cities (Varanasí)  to one of the most peaceful little villages in Nepal there are around 800 km. and a four days journey by local bus, a bus as hellish as […]

Travel log – The way to Rachuli (Kalikot)

Travel log – The way to Rachuli (Kalikot)

May 25, 2017. Getting to Rachuli (pronounced RAH-chuli) took us 5 days. At the moment of writing this, I can’t imagine having to leave this place. The ways to get up here are mountain roads with very few paved parts. There are lots of rocks all around, landslides everywhere, heavy rocks in the middle of […]