Author: Josep Marín
Exploring myself (Nepali Volunteer Testimonial)
Testimonial write in Nepali by Rupa Pandey, after the Nepali one you can read the English translation. Just like every other day, on January the 11th, 2019, I was checking my Facebook and suddenly a post drew my attention: that post was about the Rato Baltin Project, about the menstrual tradition “Chhaupadi”, which is still […]
Putting the seed of the counterpower (Volunteer Testimonial)
One day, in the Facebook of the university where I am studying a degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology, I read a note where it said that they were looking for anthropologist volunteers for a project in Nepal. This name, Nepal, caught my attention; a country that I really like, that I have visited seven times […]
First part of the Rato Baltin 2019 project: general assessment
Taking some days rest after coming back from Nepal, we let you know how did this first part of the Rato Baltin 2019 Project go. We had a risky bet, to cover as many villages as our financial resources may allow. From September 2018, we prepared everything for six municipalities, but after the trip we made in […]
Testimonial for MHDay –Menstrual Hygiene Day– Walk
My name is Shruti, I live in Columbia, Missouri, United States. At my school we did not have free feminine products for school. So I worked with some administrators to provide free products district wide at the high schools in the bathrooms. It is a completely student-run initiative. Afterwards, while researching how others are impacted […]
Achham: Training for the trainers and mentors for the 2019 workshops
We finally made our first trip to Achham. This year the team is huge. We are in Sanphebagar and we have 10 days of training for the trainers and mentors who will be providing workshops in schools in Achham this year. Our great 2019 team: · 5 foreign volunteers: Maisie, Anne, Claudia (nurse) Eleonora (anthropology student), and […]
Trip to adapt the project to the conditions at the time we start the Rato Baltin 2019 execution
Project Proposal for 2019
In 2005 the Government of Nepal declared the practice of Chhaupadi illegal, and since 2018 has been considered a criminal offence with explicit consequences. However, there are places where belief in the tradition is stronger than that of the law. The risk of sexual exploitation through Chhaupadi in Western Nepal is still therefore present, but […]
2018 Rato Baltin Project Financial Report
2018 Project Evaluation Report
A year has come to pass and much has changed in terms of our project development here in Nepal. However, Nepal and the way women are treated here still remains somewhat the same, although we can proudly say our efforts have not been in vain. We’ll talk further down the article about our operations and […]