About the Rato Baltin Pilot Project in the Nuwakot District

During 2019, one of the local organizations with which we work in Nepal, CODEC, asked us to do a pilot test in Nuwakot, which is the area where this NGO works. This was to undertake a pilot project of our Rato Baltin program in that area.

Our representative in Nepal, Clara García i Ortés, went there in January 2020, and we could see that, in the area, the situation was no different than in Achham. It was about sexual discrimination. Many men explained that they did not force them to follow the Chhaupadi. In fact, effectively the women and the girls did sleep in their home, but the women slept in separated beds, the men would not eat what they prepared, they could not touch the same water sources, things that in all were Chhaupadi practices. So, the only difference that existed between the menstrual discrimination in this area, and others like the ones we worked in Achham, is that women sleep inside the house.

Then, Rupa Pandey, Simran and Raunika conducted this project. We decided to undertake a pilot test, involving only social workers, teachers, and a small representation from each school. This is what we could do, be artsy will not be involved in this program, unless the partner CODEC contributes with the necessary resources, because our efforts focus the Far-West province. The details of the pilot project in the Nuwakot District can be found in this link.

Text by Josep Marín, translation by Tere Salinero.
Photos by Rupa Pandey.

For just €1.80 a day you can change the future of a girl and prevent her from being forced to marry at 14 years old!

There are several ways in which you can get involved and sponsor a girl in Achham:

Teaming Group: 1 euro a month – become part of Rato Baltin Project!

Teaming Group: 1 euro a month – become part of the team and get your friends to help you sponsor her and avoid early marriage!!

Regular donation: to https://donorbox.org/againts-chhaupadi

Become a member: https://beartsy.org/associate/

🙂 Thanks!