We are pleased to announce that the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD) has granted us a subsidy of 19,165 euros to strengthen our communication strategies and attract new members. This aid represents a significant step towards ensuring the continuity and growth of our project, particularly within the Rato Baltin program in Nepal.
With these funds, we have decided to hire a person dedicated to searching for grants that will allow us to increase the necessary resources for the development of our activities. This new addition will be key in seeking funding, managing human resources, strategic planning, and building relationships with donors and collaborators. The main objective is to ensure the sustainability of the project and make sure that the impact of our work reaches more and more people.
Additionally, we will allocate part of the subsidy to the implementation of a communication plan led by professionals, with the aim of increasing the visibility of the Rato Baltin project and expanding our network of partners and collaborators. Through dissemination and awareness strategies, we want to bring our mission closer to a broader audience and foster a community committed to our cause.
We deeply appreciate the support of the ACCD and all the people and entities who support us daily. We will continue to work with effort and dedication to make the Rato Baltin project an increasingly strong and sustainable initiative.