Tag: womenshealth
Why I fought being banished to a hut during my period
We have copied and translated the following article – originally published at BBC News – because we consider it important that our Catalan and Spanish-speaking readers understand the text properly. — be artsy team An ancient Hindu tradition in which menstruating women are banished to an outhouse is under the spotlight in Nepal after the […]
Please meet Ruby Cup: our strategic partner
As you might already know, we are beginning the implementation of Rato Baltin Project in Nepal very soon. Rato Baltin (meaning Red Bucket in Nepalese) is a long-term project which intends to generate a space for reflection within Western Nepalese communities – where the practice of Chhaupadi is rife – in order to help improve […]
When I first started my period my mother said I had become untouchable
We have copied and translated the following article – originally published at The Guardian – because we consider it important that our Catalan and Spanish-speaking readers understand the text properly. — be artsy team I was 13 years old with a red ribbon cascading on my oiled hair when I got my first period. I […]