2017- Rato Baltin Pilot Project Impact Evaluation

2017- Rato Baltin Pilot Project Impact Evaluation

We hope 2018 has begun with joy and harmony. The whole be artsy team has started the year with great enthusiasm, as we have been working hard over the last few months to analyze the data collected during our last trip to assess the impact of the 2017 Rato Baltin project. We have been encouraged […]

Travel log – Women’s group in Chilkhaya

Travel log – Women’s group in Chilkhaya

21-8-17. Because in as Rachuli we couldn’t work  with the  group of women, here, in chilkhaya I didn’t accepted a no as answer, and i propose to do it,  even if it was only for 2 days and  at the the time that they wanted, and they accepted. It was not very numerous, because it was […]

Travel log – #RatoBaltin at the Chilkhaya school

Travel log – #RatoBaltin at the Chilkhaya school

20-7-17 During the 10 days we have been in Chilkhaya, what has surprised us most is the number of students attending the secondary school  (from class 6 to 10). We attended classes with 70 students, “luckily” missing 70 or 80 more. That is, the list of students for these classes was up to 140, 150. […]

Travel Log – Chilkhaya

Travel Log – Chilkhaya

10-6-17.  Moving 4 personal rucksacks, 2 suitcases full of materials, 1 bag of cameras and 23 metallic buckets from one village to another in these remote areas can be really complicated! From Rachuli to Cnilkhaya, according to Googlemaps, there are just 9 km. and a slope of 400 m. First we had to get somebody […]

Periodically untouchable

Periodically untouchable

We publish the translation, in our web, of the following article – by Aditi Lamichhane, published 2017-07-05 at The Kathmandu Post– because we consider it is important for our Catalan and Spanish-speaking readers. —  be artsy team. Image: The Kathmandu Post At the age of 13, menstrual cycle, for me, was about a beautiful transition into womanhood. […]

Life experience

Life experience

Writing and Photos © por Alba Parrado Puente, Spanish Nurse and Midwife, Volunteer of be artsy in Achcham. From one of the most chaotic Indian cities (Varanasí)  to one of the most peaceful little villages in Nepal there are around 800 km. and a four days journey by local bus, a bus as hellish as […]