The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic plunged Nepal into a deadly health crisis. Existent health infrastructures were insufficient to cater to the increasing number of infections, and many patients were turned down from hospital treatment. Demands for essential medical
equipment and infrastructures such as oxygen cylinders, hospital beds, ventilators along with safety gear could not be met due to their lack of availability. This supply-demand gap created a massive health catastrophe and led to many avoidable deaths.
After the fact that in 2020 the main project of be artsy, Rato Baltin (Red Bucket), had to be left in a kind of stand-by (although our local mentors did continue working, and we kept in touch with the people and associates in Nepal and in the area of Achham) because of the start of the pandemics, in 2021, in February, we started with renewed energies. For example, we started the Happy Women Training Centre for widows and disadvantaged women, in agreement with the village of Mangalsen. We supplied cloth to sew face masks, we also purchased and distributed them. But the second wave of the Covid-19 did strike the country quite strongly.
It was at that moment when the collaborative financing Oxygen for Nepal came to be, the one we are introducing to you in this report
Thanks to individual donors, and the economic and supportive contributions of the NGOs “Amics del Nepal”, “Petit Món”, “Camina Nepal” and some more, we made €18,000
for this task, which we detail in the report. After this impasse, and the financial contribution applied as per the objectives of this specific project, our projects Rato Baltin, Edufem, Happy Women (the Achham women made more than 10,000 masks, more than 200 reusable sanitary
pads and 1,900 bags for menstrual cups), the Mask Up Campaign in Kathmandu donating natural cotton masks to elderly people homes and orphanages in collaboration with Nature Craft, the donation of Ruby Cup menstrual cups to female nurses and doctors that were working against the pandemic, all have continued.
Our evaluation of the whole set of projects of be artsy 2021 has come up with 11,812 (direct) beneficiaries. But let’s see in detail what has the Oxygen for Nepal project meant.
Translation by Tere Salinero. Photos by Creasion Nepal & beartsy
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