The ACCD grants a subsidy of 19,165 euros to boost communication and attract new members.

The ACCD grants a subsidy of 19,165 euros to boost communication and attract new members.

We are pleased to announce that the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD) has granted us a subsidy of 19,165 euros to strengthen our communication strategies and attract new members. This aid represents a significant step towards ensuring the continuity and growth of our project, particularly within the Rato Baltin program in Nepal. With these […]

Training in Sahara Children Home (Dhulikhel)

Training in Sahara Children Home (Dhulikhel)

Before we left to Achham for the Project follow up, we spent a day in a children’s home in Dhulikhel conducting a full puberty curriculum, sexual education, and menstrual health management training. We had been asked to do an intensive training, with a special focus in empowering the girls in self love for their womens’ […]

Travel log – Kalagaun is a beautiful place

Travel log – Kalagaun is a beautiful place

Kalagaun is a beautiful place. Green and peaceful. When we arrived everyone was very curious about us – especially the boys and girls! As usual, we were working with class 6-10. The teachers had prepared the hall for our program but everything felt like a race against time. The children were at school for just […]

2017- Rato Baltin Pilot Project Impact Evaluation

2017- Rato Baltin Pilot Project Impact Evaluation

We hope 2018 has begun with joy and harmony. The whole be artsy team has started the year with great enthusiasm, as we have been working hard over the last few months to analyze the data collected during our last trip to assess the impact of the 2017 Rato Baltin project. We have been encouraged […]