Edufem Project report

Edufem Project report

It is very common for the girls in Achham, a remote zone in far-west Nepal, to be out of the school system because of the financial situation of the families – most men have to go to India to work and the daughters are asked to stay at home to help with the household chores […]

We must be many more Teamers!

We must be many more Teamers!

We have sent the proceedings from the Teaming Group, where the people that help us contribute with €1 per month to the Rato Baltin Project of be artsy. With this contributions, we add resources to the project and help it grow and consolidate. Rohini Bhandary and Hiukala Chalaune, our trainers from Turmakhand and Mangalsen, have […]

Get to know Tejana

Get to know Tejana

In Tejana´s village there is no electricity nor transport means. Despite all that, she manages to get the menstrual cups and educational workshops reaching there through Basti’s muddy roads. A small village in Achham to which you take more than two days to arrive from the province main city. She is happy for that. She coordinates the trainers’ […]

Travel log: 2076/2019 follow-up trip, adapting and planning for the future

Travel log: 2076/2019 follow-up trip, adapting and planning for the future

We were in Kathmandu, nearly ready to start our journey to Achham. This time the team that travelled from Kathmandu was composed by Rupa: Project Manager; Simran: student of International Cooperation in training; Sharmila: community health, although she came as translator; Rita: journalist, who joined the project to take pictures in person of what is happening there […]

Life experience

Life experience

Writing and Photos © por Alba Parrado Puente, Spanish Nurse and Midwife, Volunteer of be artsy in Achcham. From one of the most chaotic Indian cities (Varanasí)  to one of the most peaceful little villages in Nepal there are around 800 km. and a four days journey by local bus, a bus as hellish as […]

Travel log – Basti – Achcham

Travel log – Basti – Achcham

Whenever one gets to a town in such remote areas – in spite of their beauty – the first thing coming to mind after seeing the life conditions waiting for us for the next few days is: I would go away right now. Basti was no different. Despite being aware such hard conditions were awaiting, […]