The fight against Chhaupadi in Nepal: We interviewed the photographer and president of the NGO Be Artsy, Clara García Ortés.

The fight against Chhaupadi in Nepal: We interviewed the photographer and president of the NGO Be Artsy, Clara García Ortés.

  Hace exactamente 3 años, dimos a conocer un proyecto pionero de la ong Be Artsy. Bajo el nombre de Rato Baltin, la iniciativa se centra en la educación de comunidades rurales del Nepal sobre la menstruación y salud. Si no escuchaste el programa, repasemos un poco el contexto de esta situación que viven las mujeres nepalíes. En Nepal, […]

Talk and projection about the Rato Baltin project

Talk and projection about the Rato Baltin project

Xerrada i projecció sobre el projecte Rato Baltin Barcelona – Dijous, 28/11/2019 Coincidint amb els últims dies de l’exposició de fotografies mostrada per l’associació be artsy, la Biblioteca Francesc Boix co-organitza una xerrada i projecció. El 28 de novembre, a les 19.00 h a la Biblioteca Francesc Boix del Pobre Sec, a Barcelona, podeu assistir a la […]

Rato Baltin Project – (Red Bucket) Crowdfunding  – #RatoBaltin

Rato Baltin Project – (Red Bucket) Crowdfunding – #RatoBaltin

The crowdfunding of our project aimed at girls in Nepal is finally ready. Remember: Rato Baltin Project (Red Bucket) consists of a menstrual and hygienic education program in West Nepal’s remotest areas. Through participatory photography workshops, we will offer menstrual and hygienic education training led by local nurses – with the aim to foster women’s […]

Raising funds for Nepal

Raising funds for Nepal

Would you help us raise funds for our project aimed at girls in Nepal? Now we have launched this challenge: No iframes supported     Or If you feel like it, you can Donate: Please remember: Our aim is to bring hygienic, menstrual and sex education to the most remote areas in West Nepal. There, […]