Tag: sexual education
United Nations puts the 2020 focus in the sexual and reproductive rights
Sponsoring girls, to facilitate scholarship and avoid early marriage in some areas in Nepal, is a new project of be artsy. The United Nations has called for meetings of governments, women rights activists, and other agents, between May and July this year. Agents who promote a global campaign – Generation Equality, centring in Mexico City […]
The fight against Chhaupadi in Nepal: We interviewed the photographer and president of the NGO Be Artsy, Clara García Ortés.
Hace exactamente 3 años, dimos a conocer un proyecto pionero de la ong Be Artsy. Bajo el nombre de Rato Baltin, la iniciativa se centra en la educación de comunidades rurales del Nepal sobre la menstruación y salud. Si no escuchaste el programa, repasemos un poco el contexto de esta situación que viven las mujeres nepalíes. En Nepal, […]
Don’t miss the exhibitions about Rato Baltin!
Lately we have been talking about the exhibition in networks, we want to introduce you. The idea of mixing the photos that girls have been taking during the Rato Baltin project with photographs of creative women from here was by Magda Gavaldà. The exhibition, actually 2 different exhibitions and one installation, are mixed with […]
Talk and projection about the Rato Baltin project
Xerrada i projecció sobre el projecte Rato Baltin Barcelona – Dijous, 28/11/2019 Coincidint amb els últims dies de l’exposició de fotografies mostrada per l’associació be artsy, la Biblioteca Francesc Boix co-organitza una xerrada i projecció. El 28 de novembre, a les 19.00 h a la Biblioteca Francesc Boix del Pobre Sec, a Barcelona, podeu assistir a la […]
What would it feel like to be a girl growing up in Achham, Nepal?
Vulvita, an entrepreneur who sews and sells cloth compresses in Cambrils
Beatriz San Román es la creadora de la marca “Vulvita”, la cual vende productos menstruales reutilizables para poder reducir al máximo los residuos. Reducir al máximo los residuos y trabajar en la salud menstrual. Estas son los principales propósitos que tiene Beatriz San Román para seguir adelante con sus proyectos. San Román es una emprendedora […]
Exploring myself (Nepali Volunteer Testimonial)
Testimonial write in Nepali by Rupa Pandey, after the Nepali one you can read the English translation. Just like every other day, on January the 11th, 2019, I was checking my Facebook and suddenly a post drew my attention: that post was about the Rato Baltin Project, about the menstrual tradition “Chhaupadi”, which is still […]
Putting the seed of the counterpower (Volunteer Testimonial)
One day, in the Facebook of the university where I am studying a degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology, I read a note where it said that they were looking for anthropologist volunteers for a project in Nepal. This name, Nepal, caught my attention; a country that I really like, that I have visited seven times […]
First part of the Rato Baltin 2019 project: general assessment
Taking some days rest after coming back from Nepal, we let you know how did this first part of the Rato Baltin 2019 Project go. We had a risky bet, to cover as many villages as our financial resources may allow. From September 2018, we prepared everything for six municipalities, but after the trip we made in […]