It is with deep heart to write this article that our Training Centre in Achham, West Nepal has been partially buried under the landslide due to the recent heavy rainfall.
Luckily our women were training on beading in the next room, and they were not harmed. Under great shock, they managed to briefly contacted us to inform the condition while there was still connection. Part of the building was collapsed, doors, insulation roof and windows were smashed. Our produces and the hard work of the single women were damaged. We are still not sure of the damage from the devastation. Our last contact with them was a few days ago, and we have not been able to reach them despite our effort. They have no power and Wi-Fi, and we pray that they are all fine.
It is cold and wet in the mountain terrain with no electricity and without communication. They must be scare like us, and we do hope that they are coping well. We are still trying very hard to communicate and get in touch with them.
Months of Hard Work is now damaged and gone. We are very sad for our losses, but glad that our women and trainers are all safe. What damage done must be rebuilt, and our training must continue. We will not be put off from this setback, but to see it as a challenge for our determination to help more women in our best ability. We seek your kind donation to assist us to rebuild our Training Centre. Kindly click this link to donate any amount of your wish.
Climate change is real, and the rainfall is getting more intense and heavy. For the month of October, it should be a drier season for crop harvesting. Sadly most crops have been ruined. This is another example of climate change affecting vulnerable nation like Nepal and many coastal nations. It is our duty to not only take care the welfare of vulnerable women, but also the environment we are living in. Our next Green Finger project on tree planting in Nepal will be starting next year.
Sorry that we have no photo to attach as the connection was briefed, and we are still waiting for their connection.

By Swee Cheng Yap
We need your help, please.
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