Travel log: Oligaun, the most hard Achham

Travel log: Oligaun, the most hard Achham

The first week in a new village is always stressful. We have to get to know the people around us: teachers, health personnel, community leaders, and more importantly, the women, girls, and boys. In Oligaun it was no different, but we also had to get to know part of the new team. Tejana, one of […]



This would not be possible without you, that is why we want to thank each a every one of the people who made our work possible in Nepal during the 2017. To continue empowering the girls and women in the remote areas of West Nepal, the raising of awareness and educating in menstrual and sexual […]

Malnourishment in West Nepal

Malnourishment in West Nepal

One significant problem that we have seen in our travels throughout West Nepal is the extent of childhood malnourishment. Sometimes this can be associated with very young mothers with little nutritional information support, but in other cases cannot. Though there are some nutritional programs that run throughout West Nepal, it can be difficult for mothers […]

Periodically untouchable

Periodically untouchable

We publish the translation, in our web, of the following article – by Aditi Lamichhane, published 2017-07-05 at The Kathmandu Post– because we consider it is important for our Catalan and Spanish-speaking readers. —  be artsy team. Image: The Kathmandu Post At the age of 13, menstrual cycle, for me, was about a beautiful transition into womanhood. […]