New University Collaborations to Boost Our Projects

This year, we are strengthening our impact with three major university partnerships.

Eco-Friendly Powder Soap with Institut Químic de Sarrià (IQS)

Together with IQS, we are researching the use of soap nuts (Riita in Nepali). These nuts release saponin, a natural component that can be used to make soap. Our goal is to develop a simple chemical process so that women’s groups in rural Nepal can produce powdered soap. This will help them create small cooperatives and reduce plastic waste and harmful chemicals. We want a replicable model to empower more women.

Visibility with the University of Girona (UdG)

Through the Coordinadora d’ONG Solidàries de Girona, communication students from UdG will produce two 30-second TV spots. Their goal is to raise awareness and reach a wider audience.

Internships in Nepal with the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

Two Psychology students from UPV/EHU will complete a three-month internship in our Rato Baltin project. They will work directly with our trainers, supporting key activities that empower women and girls.

Renewing Our Collaboration with 180 Degrees Consulting

This semester, we are once again partnering with 180 Degrees Consulting (180DC), the world’s largest student-run consultancy for non-profits. Over the years, we have worked with different student groups from 180DC, receiving strategic advice to enhance the impact of our projects.

We continue to innovate and collaborate to create change. Thanks to all the universities and students making this possible!