This would not be possible without you, that is why we want to thank each a every one of the people who made our work possible in Nepal during the 2017.

To continue empowering the girls and women in the remote areas of West Nepal, the raising of awareness and educating in menstrual and sexual matters in order to put an end to the Chhaupadi tradition, €9,967.71 were needed. Attached you will find the link with the information and break down of all the expenses.

We had the unconditional support of organisations such as ROKPA and Time 4 action, but also that of many anonymous donors. Without all of you this could not happen, so, however small, we are very grateful for all those valuable contributions.

We are not forgetting Fujifilm España, as they donated various photographic materials (photo paper, cameras…), enabling us to undertake one of the workshops, to facilitate the communication through the pictures.

Neither are we forgetting Ruby Cup, our strategic partner, because thanks to the donated cups, we can work with the girls in the most remote areas and make their menstrual cycles more confortable and hygienic.
We would like to remind you of the different ways to continue collaborating with us:




Pr evist Cost

Total Cost

Salaries – Local staff

Rs 243.000,00

Rs 269.280

Supplies and workshop resources

Rs 121.280,00

Rs 184.967


Rs 180.000,00

Rs 299.092


Rs 227.436,00

Rs 288.741

Total NPR

Rs 771.716,00

Rs 1.042.080

Total Euro

6.710,57 €

9061,56 €

General expenses – 10% of total Euro

671,06 €

906,15 €

Grand Total

7.381,63 €

9967,71 €

Exchange Rate: 1 Euro = 115 NPR (Rs)

The 2017 budget exceeded the initial proposed expenditure by 2,586 Euros. This was the case for several reasons:1.b eartsy receivedanunexpectednewdonationof160menstrualcupsfromRubyCups

2. This donation led to the doubling of the expected amount of work and needed complementary resources, particularly in terms of the menstrual kits

3. Difficulty in finding volunteers to travel to West Nepal without financial compensation

4. The need to provide Kathmandu-based volunteers with funds for travel and food related to be artsy activities

5. Difficulty in contracting a staff nurse for only three to four months of the year requiring higher than expected remuneration

Great care was taken to adjust the budget and account for the increase in work and resources required by the unexpected donation, but a substantial increase was unavoidable to deliver the new cups.