Privacy Policy
As a registered Non-Governmental Organization for Developing (NGOD) and a declared association for the Public Welfare (Spain), we accomplish with the new European Regulation related to Data Protection, which improves the personal data agreements and introduces new rights. Those measures bolster its capability of controlling the information that it is shared to third parties.
Who is the in charge of data treatment?
It is be artsy Association, identified with the CIF G78416088; and Postal Address Passatge Bellcaire-39, N26 – L’Escala, Girona (Spain) and Mail
What use we are giving to your Personal Data?
Personal Data that you have given to us will be used for offering to you, information related to the activities from Be Artsy that could have any interest for you. We won’t take automated decisions based on your profile; It will be used only for sending to you the mentioned information.
How long we will keep your Data?
Personal Data will be kept until the end of the activity that was generating its sign-up and by means of why you have given willingness your approval of this Data Protection, unless you request its elimination.
You can oppose at any moment to the conservation of your Data and their Treatment. In this case, you can mail us to The legal base for your Data Treatment is based on your authorization that it is given by this law.
Whom will we transmit your Data?
We won’t transmit your Personal Data to Third Parties. The only exception to this matter, it is referring to the transmission to data sub-processing platforms. We ensure a data protection like the activities related to contractual obligations used by those processors. Those sub-processors platforms are:
• WordPress.
• Mailchimp.
We work with the donation’s platforms and collective support to our projects:
• DonorBox.
• Migranodearena.
Both, have their own Data protection Policy according to the current Laws.
On the other side, GoCardless is the platform that we use for banking collection of affiliate dues.
Which are your rights when you give us your Personal Data?
You have the right of accessing to your Personal Data in any moment, but also, their, proofreading, elimination, limiting their treatment, oppose to their treatment, and the portability of them, by means of mail us to Once we receive the request, we will accomplish it according to the Legal due date.
In case you are unsatisfied in your Personal Data Rights, you can send a complaint to the Control Authority, the Spain Personal Data Agency (